GTM platform
GTM IP module
Real-time critical I/O workloads can be offloaded from µC cores to a spezialized I/O co-processor with massive parallel thread handling capabilities. GTM offers a common architecture across multiple semiconductors. Software and applications become independent of the selected MCU.
Simulation environment - Virtual prototyping
Virtual prototyping of the GTM
Application drivers for GTM
A microcontroller with GTM can do much more for you than just control your device. By individual programming, the multi channel sequencers of each channel can be used to add additional functionalities to your control unit.
Application drivers enhance the functionality of your GTM-enabled microcontroller significantly.
IP Techdays
IP Techdays provide a perfect exchange platform for OEMs, TIER 1, semiconductor vendors, eco environment providers, and other interested parties worldwide.
Attendees can share information and actively participate in discussions covering the latest developments in the IP environment.
IP Techday Asia
March 14 + 15, 2024 in Shanghai, China
> Click here for event details and presentations held
GTM Techday 2022
September 22 + 23, 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany
> Click here for event details and presentations held
GTM Techday 2017
October 10 + 11, 2017 in Detroit, MI, USA