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Bosch semiconductors for Automotive

CAN Protocols

CAN XL Protocol

CAN XL (Controller Area Network with Extended Length) provides a superior solution for data rates of up to 20Mbit/s by maintaining the advantages of the CAN protocol like collision-resolution by non-destructive arbitration. It expands the number of data bytes per CAN frame up to 2048 bytes.

With a bit rate of up to 20 Mbit/s in the data phase, CAN XL fills the gap between CAN FD and 100BASE-T1 (Ethernet). CAN XL protocol controllers are also able to perform Classical CAN and CAN FD communication.

> More information about CAN XL protocol

> Link to CAN XL Introduction

> More information about X_CAN IP module


CAN FD Protocol

CAN FD Protocol

CAN FD (CAN with Flexible Data-rate) was introduced by Bosch in 2012 to overcome the Classical CAN's bit rate limitation to 1 Mbps and to expand the number of data bytes per CAN frame from up to 8 to up to 64, thereby closing the gap between Classical CAN and other protocols. This is achieved by a modified CAN frame format where the bit rate can be switched to faster value inside the CAN frame and by a new data length coding.

CAN FD is standardized as ISO11898-1:2015. CAN FD protocol controllers are also able to perform Classical CAN communication.

> More information about M_CAN IP module

CAN FD light Protocol

CAN FD light is a lightweight version of CAN FD. It is intended for low cost application with one commander (master) controller and numerous responder (slave) controller.

For a CAN FD light responder (slave) there is no need for an external crystal to have lower cost.

Existing CAN FD / XL IP can be used as CAN FD light commander (master).

> More information about CAN FD light

> More information about M_CAN IP module

> More information about X_CAN IP module

CAN FD light

Mandatory License of CAN Protocols

Mandatory License of CAN Protocols

The CAN Protocols are patented products developed by Robert Bosch GmbH.

A CAN Protocol License is required for all implementations of CAN FD, CAN FD light, TTCAN and CAN XL modules.

> More information about CAN Protocol License

IP Techdays

IP Techdays

IP Techdays provide a perfect exchange platform for OEMs, TIER 1, semiconductor vendors, eco environment providers, and other interested parties worldwide.

Attendees can share information and actively participate in discussions covering the latest developments in the IP environment.

IP Techday Asia (CAN and GTM)

March 14 + 15, 2024 in Shanghai, China

> Click here for event details and presentations held

ISO 11898-1:2015, Part 1: Data link layer and physical signalling

ISO 11898-2:2003, Part 2: High-speed medium access unit

ISO 11898-3:2006, Part 3: Low-speed, fault-tolerant, medium-dependent interface

ISO 11898-4:2004, Part 4: Time-triggered communication

ISO 11898-5:2007, Part 5: High-speed medium access unit with low-power mode

ISO 11898-6:2013: Part 6: High-speed medium access unit with selective wake-up functionality

ISO 16845:2004, Conformance test plan

CiA list of available CAN books

Plug-and-Secure Communication for CAN, Dr. Andreas Müller, Timo Lothspeich, Robert Bosch GmbH, 15th International CAN Conference, iCC 2015 Vienna

Advantages of CAN FD Error detection mechanisms compared to Classical CAN, Dr. Arthur Mutter, Florian Hartwich, Robert Bosch GmbH, 15th International CAN Conference, iCC 2015 Vienna

CAN with Flexible Data-Rate, Florian Hartwich, Robert Bosch GmbH, 13th International CAN Conference, iCC 2012 Hambacher Schloß

Bit Time Requirements for CAN FD, Florian Hartwich, Robert Bosch GmbH, 14th International CAN Conference, iCC 2013 Paris

Robustness of a CAN FD Bus System – About Oscillator Tolerance and Edge Deviations, Arthur Mutter, Robert Bosch GmbH, 14th International CAN Conference, iCC 2013 Paris

Heuristic Scheduling Concepts for TTCAN networks, A. Albert, R. Hugel, Robert Bosch GmbH, 10th International CAN Conference, iCC 2005 Rome

CAN Specification 2.0B

Comparison of Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Concepts with Regard to Distributed Control Systems A. Albert, Robert Bosch GmbH Embedded World, 2004, Nürnberg

Evaluation and Comparison of Real-Time Performance of CAN and TTCAN A. Albert, W. Gerth, Robert Bosch GmbH Proceedings 9th International CAN Conference; iCC 2003; Munich

Migration from CAN to TTCAN for a Distributed Control System A. Albert, R. Strasser, A. Trächtler, Robert Bosch GmbH Proceedings 9th International CAN Conference; iCC 2003; Munich

Time Triggered Communication on CAN Th. Führer, B. Müller, W. Dieterle, F. Hartwich, R. Hugel, M. Walther, Robert Bosch GmbH; Proceedings 7th International CAN Conference; 2000; Amsterdam

CAN Network with Time Triggered Communication F. Hartwich, B. Müller, Th. Führer, R. Hugel, Robert Bosch GmbH Proceedings 7th International CAN Conference; 2000; Amsterdam

Timing in the TTCAN Network F. Hartwich, B. Müller, T. Führer, R. Hugel, Robert Bosch GmbH Proceedings 8th International CAN Conference; 2002; Las Vegas, Nv

Fault Tolerant TTCAN Networks B. Müller, T. Führer, F. Hartwich, R. Hugel, H. Weiler, Robert Bosch GmbH Proceedings 8th International CAN Conference; 2002; Las Vegas, Nv

Scheduling for a TTCAN network with a stochastic optimization algorithm J. Fonseca*, F. Coutinho**, J. Barreiros**; * DET/IEETA - U. de Aveiro, Portugal; ** Inst. Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Portugal Proceedings 8th International CAN Conference; 2002; Las Vegas, Nv

Expanding Automotive Electronic Systems Leen, G.; Heffernan, D. IEEE Computer, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, January 2002, Pages: 88-93

CAN - das Netzwerk für die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug Robert Bosch GmbH; 1999; Stuttgart

Die Zeit ist reif! - Zeitgesteuerte Kommunikation mit CAN Dr. Bernd Müller; Auto & Elektronik 2/2001